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4 Products
Precision laboratory thermometer
Order nr.: 1 370 004 O
Precision laboratory thermometer, not enamelled, for officially testing 0 +51 °C : 0,1, O. D. 9 mm, length: 400 mm, with organic filling

Precision laboratory thermometer
Order nr.: 1 370 005 O
Precision laboratory thermometer, not enamelled, opal glass scale for officially testing, +47+101°C:0,1, Ø 9 mm, length: 400 mm, with organic filling

Precision laboratory thermometer
Order nr.: 1 370 006 O
Precision laboratory thermometer, not enamelled, suitable for officially testing, +97+151°C in 0,1°C, length: 400 mm, with organic filling

Precision laboratory thermometer
Order nr.: 1 370 007 O
Precision laboratory thermometer, Capillary form: colourless, prismatic, liquid: blue Temperature range: + 147 + 201 ° C in 0.1 ° C, Immersion: total; Overall length: 400 mm, suitable for official certification