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Intermediate receiver acc. to Anschütz-Thiele - 1 962 239
Intermediate receivers, Anschütz-Thiele, graduated, PTFE-stopcock, w. straight adapter, with cooling jacket, s + c ST 29/32, 250 ml
Intermediate receivers Anschütz-Thiele - 22 105
Intermediate receivers, Anschütz-Thiele, oblique adapter, ungraduated, ST 19/26 - ST 29/32
Intermediate receiver acc. to Anschütz-Thiele - 1 960 025 S
Intermediate receivers, Anschütz-Thiele, graduated, standard stopc., w. oblique adapter, s + c ST 29/32, 50 ml
Intermediate receiver acc. to Anschütz-Thiele - 1 962 139 S
Intermediate receiver, acc. to Anschütz-Thiele, 250 ml, graduated, standard stopcock, with straight adapter, with cooling jacket, cone + socket ST 29/32, with water connection GL14, borosilicate glass 3.3