Precision thermometer with ST 14/23, ground joint thermometer,
with special filling, capillary form: uncovered prismatic,
blue liquid, measuring range: -38+50°C in 1°C, installation length:
150 mm, immersion depth: 127 mm, total length: 400 mm,
calibratable, including certificate of conformity
Thermometer f. flasks a. still heads, cone ST 14/23,-10+150:0,5°C, 75 mm
Precision adjusting thermometers acc. to Beckmann, (for low temperature), adjusting scale: -58+30°C, range 6 °C in 0.01 °C, capillary: transparent round, Hg-TI filling, immersion length: 200 mm, total length: 630 mm, suitable for calbration
Precision set thermometers, not enamelled, opal glass scale, for officially testing, mercury filling, Ø O. 6 mm, length 175 mm +50 +100°C, division 0,2°C
Dripping-point therm./ Ubbelohde,DIN12785 not enamelled, opal glass scale, mercury fill., officially testing, scale range 0+110°C division 1°C. O.Ø 10 mm, Length 235 mm
Setting point thermometer, DIN 12785, enclosed scale, not enamelled, opal glass scale, off. testing,-70+50°C, Toluol, red filling adjusted for a immersion of 180 mm, division 1°C. Ø 10 mm, length 360 mm